Published on: 11/9/2015IST

A Blowjob A Day Keeps The Doctor Away, According To Research

User Image Jyoti Negi Last updated on: 11/10/2015, Permalink

Heterosexual ladies of the world: 

Ready for a mouthful of vitamins, minerals, and endorphins? 
All you have to do is open wide, curl your lips over your teeth, and give your boyfriend a blowjob. Yes, you read that correctly… 

A blowjob

Surprisingly, semen is packed with nutrients -- the same kind you might pay 10-25 bucks for in the supplement aisle at CVS. 
Spermatozoa released by the testes accounts for less than 5% of the semen’s composition -- meaning the vast majority of gooey liquid you jet out isn’t sperm. Researchers have found that remaining 95% is a whole mix of compounds that are extremely good for you. Things like: 

- Vitamin C 
- Protein 
- Vitamin B12 
- Enzymes 
- Lipids 

Oh, but there's more. Check out the nutritional value table of semen below. Note: it's based on a larger "sample size" since the amount of nutrients per serving (or 1 load) is trace. 

semen nutrional
On top of that, semen contains mood-enhancers like serotonin, estrone, oxytocin, melatonin, and cortisol--all of which promote euphoria and relaxation. 
A recent study at the SUNY-Albany campus even found that semen could provide cures for morning sickness in pregnant women, as well as lower her risk for miscarriage. 
In order to receive the full range of health benefits, semen must be “consumed” either orally or vaginally. No word on future studies aiming to prove the benefits of semenfacials…but we remain hopeful. 
Now before you get all excited, don’t go promoting your penis as a free daily multi-vitamin just yet. There are always conditions… 
Just like the boys, women have a blend of super-nutrients in their juice, too. Turns out many proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates and other acids similar to what is found in semen can be found in female discharge as well. 
That means your girlfriend can tell you to “just go down because it’s good for you” the same way you might. 

The second condition is a bit more serious. 

While our juices pack a health-boosting punch, it’s no secret that they can also carry sexually transmitted infections and viruses like HIV, Hepatitis B+C, herpes and Chlamydia in those who are infected. If you bleed when brushing your teeth or have other signs of poor gum health, your risk of contracting one of these diseases is even higher. 
The simple answer to this? Only share “sex substances” with people who are tested, trustworthy, or are in a monogamous relationship with. That’s the best way to guarantee you get the good stuff, not the bad. 
Want to get a blowjob today? Hide all your vitamins, then share this article with your lady. 
Turns out men weren’t lying when saying, “don’t worry baby… semen is good for you.” Who would’ve thought? 

11/10/2015 | | Permalink